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    🇸🇪   What are the secrets to early-stage investment success? Known for his risk-taking and for often investing first of all, Mattias Miksche shares his lessons learned and early investment tips in the 18th episode of Patric blir Ängel

    🇸🇪 💰 Microsoft is investing heavily in AI in Sweden. The American tech giant is investing almost 34 billion SEK in “cloud infrastructure and AI” and will provide 250,000 people with training in the technology.

    🇸🇪 💫  Klarna reported 29% higher turnover in the first quarter. In the US, revenues increased the most, by 38%. In addition, the result was improved by as much as 727 million SEK in one year. A lot of credit is given to the implementation of AI, which saved Klarna 100 million just on AI-generated marketing.

    🇪🇺 🏆 Sweden, Finland and Denmark rank as the top three best in Europe in terms of investment per GDP for 2023. This shows a report from Invest Europe.

    🌏 🧫  For the first time ever, a person suffering from diabetes is said to have gotten rid of his disease, and that with the help of cell therapy. The patient is a 59-year-old man who lived with type 2 diabetes for 25 years.

    🇸🇪 🌟 For nearly two years, the government has been working on new legislation for the so-called 3:12 rules. The legislation has a direct impact on approximately 400,000 entrepreneurs who run so-called small-time companies. Now they have reached the goal, where a full 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs benefit. Read about the legislation and how it affects entrepreneurs here.

    🇪🇺 👀  Inflation in the eurozone turned up to 2.6 percent in May from 2.4 percent in April, preliminary data from Eurostat shows. The worst situation in Europe is for Turkey, with over 70% inflation in the country.

    Pantlån raises 10 MSEK

    (Stockholm, an AI-powered pawnshop valuation service): Has raised 10 MSEK in a funding round from Pär SvärdsonFabian Bengtsson, Anders WallCharlotte Wall, and member Carl Palmstierna. “The team at Pantlån has come a long way in a short time. It is clear that we have a service that is in demand on the market, and that has the potential to change an entire industry,” comments Fabian Bengtsson.

    Nutrumami raises 450.000 EUR

    (Copenhagen, develops a plant protein powder designed to replace the nutrients found in animal meat products): Has raised 450.000 EUR in a funding round from Planetary Impact Ventures and Kost Capital with member Bodil Sidén. “Our mission is to unlock plant proteins to transform the quality of plant-centric foods in terms of taste, texture, and nutrition,” comments Frederik Jensen.